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You like the Academy Servers?

Here we give you the Chance to support us with a Donation.
All of 4 Pakets are for Lifetime! Donate once, enjoy it for ever.

Academy Donator LvL 1 – from 10€

– Donator-Status in the Teamspeak
– Donator-Status in the Forum
– Donator-Status on the ArmA Servern
– Bronze Playermarker over the Playerhead
– 4 useable Loadouts Slots
– Automatic Spawn with Loadout One
– No Donator Adverts on the Server
– Privilege Support on Teamspeak
– Access to the Donator Server


Academy Donator LvL 2 – from 20€

– Donator-Status in the Teamspeak
– Donator-Status in the Forum
– Donator-Status on the ArmA Servern
– Silver Playermarker over the Playerhead
– 5 useable Loadouts Slots
– Automatic Spawn with Loadout One
– No Donator Adverts on the Server
– Privilege Support on Teamspeak
– Own Teamspeak Channel (if needed)
– Access to the Donator Server


Academy Donator LvL 3 – from 30€

– Donator-Status in the Teamspeak
– Donator-Status in the Forum
– Donator-Status on the ArmA Servern
– Gold Playermarker over the Playerhead
– 6 useable Loadouts Slots
– Automatic Spawn with Loadout One
– No Donator Adverts on the Server
– Privilege Support on Teamspeak
– Own Teamspeak Channel (if needed)
– Access to the Donator Server


Academy VIP – from 50€

– Donator-Status in the Teamspeak
– Donator-Status in the Forum
– Donator-Status on the ArmA Servern
– Gold Playermarker with gold V over the Playerhead
– 6 useable Loadouts Slots
– Automatic Spawn with Loadout One
– No Donator Adverts on the Server
– Privilege Support on Teamspeak
– Own Teamspeak Channel (if needed)
– Access to the Donator Server



Please insert your correct Player ID to your Donation!

Please Read this First:
All Donations are for the Academy-KotH Server Costs and Stuff.
(Root-Servers , Teamspeak Lizenz, Webspace)

With a Donation you Accept the following Points

– a Donation is a voluntary payment
– We dont need to give u any Exchange for a Donation
– We dont pay back Donations
– A Donation does not Save you from a Ban/Kick
– Donation Pakets can be changed anytime.

Here is a Quick few over our Costs:

– 107,10€ – Dedicated Root Nr.1
– 41,00€ – Dedocated Root Nr.2
– 4,36€ – Teamspeak Lizenz
– 4,48€ – Webspace + Domain
– 156,94 – Mothly Costs

Arma 3 Server Monetization

From February 1st 2015 , anyone is allowed to monetize their Arma 3 server in the following way as long as they’re registered, approved and listed on :

  • Charging players to access your server, if the fees and associated perks do not affect gameplay in any way, is allowed. Cosmetic perks are allowed . Limiting access to only paying players is allowed.
  • Product placement, in-game advertising and sponsorship is allowed.
  • Selling of in-game items, that don’t affect gameplay, is allowed.
  • Accepting donations is allowed, but to avoid any doubts: not providing donations must not prevent anyone from accessing the content.

If we feel anyone on the list at is exploiting any loopholes or is not acting in the best interests of the Arma 3 community, we will remove them. That will mean they will have to cease this kind of monetization immediately or face legal action.

Before applying, please check the following FAQ

The permission is given for a limited time. It will expire on January 31st 2017 .